domingo, 12 de abril de 2020


In the holidays, I always visit them parks because I love the rides. I like water atraccions, but I don't like the queues. I want to visit this three amazing theme parks: Port Aventura in Catalonia, Disney Land in Paris and Tibidabo in Barcelona.

Port Aventura is the biggest theme park in Catalonia but in the summer there are a lot of people, in Port Aventura there are a water park. Disney Land Paris is a beautifull park, is bigger than Port Aventura and Tibidabo. In disnay Land there is a palace of a disney Queen. Tibidabo is a small theme park, is in the top of the mountain and there is a ferris whell and a very high atraccion.

My favourite place is Disney Land because is very beautifull and big. For me,the best atraccions are the water atraccions. Another thing that I like a lot is the parade that they d every afternoon.

Disneyland Paris cumple 25 años: 15 cifras que resumen su ...

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