martes, 25 de febrero de 2020


Hello, I'm Sergi Sangrà Casals. Welcometo Almatà school !!! Oue school is 39 years old and has got 450 students. The school building isn't new but it's "OK". Please come on a tour of our school.

This is the hall, in this corridor there are 1st course classes and one batx class. Please folow mw to the right, those doors are the library and the staffroom- for the teachers. Let's go up stairs to the first floor. There are 2nd and 3rd ESO classrooms, and the art class. Now we are on the 2nd floor we see 3rd and 4th ESO classrooms, and that door is the lab.

On the groundfloor there is a new block. This door is technology classroom and ICT suite, next door is the changing room and that door is the gym. The playground is next to the school. I love the ICT suite.

Resultado de imagen de escola almata

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